Take Action

Nathaniel Rateliff holding a Dairy Together sign at a performance in Madison, WI.
Dairy Together is a farmer-led effort to improve the economic viability of family dairy farms in Wisconsin and across the country. As the number of dairy farms diminishes nationwide, it becomes harder to make our voices heard. That is why it’s crucial for all of us - whether we are active dairy farmers, former dairy farmers, community leaders, or concerned citizens - to join together and fight for the ones we have left. Together we can create a stable and profitable future for family dairy farmers and rural communities.
Endorse the Dairy Together movement
Subscribe to the Dairy Together email list to receive email updates and action alerts.
Watch this powerful video and share it on social media. Use the #DairyTogether hashtag to keep it trending.
Join the #dairytogether Facebook group
Educate yourself about growth management programs that improve dairy farm profitability and reduce reliance on government subsidies. This 25-minute video explains how a growth management plan could work, and how it would impact farmers, consumers, and the dairy industry.
Share information about growth management with your processor or dairy co-op board members. Many handlers are using base programs to coordinate milk marketing among their patrons. A national program that applies to everyone would improve milk prices and make the system more fair.
Share your thoughts with your members of congress! Click this link to find out who your U.S Senators and Congressional Representative are. Call, write, and email them about the state of dairy farming in your community and urge their support for growth management. Congress is working on the 2023 Farm Bill right now - they need to hear from you! Use this template as a guide to craft your message.
Attend a Town Hall or listening session organized by your U.S. Senators or Representatives and speak in favor of dairy growth management. These are usually announced within a week before they happen - check their websites often for updates!
Write an op-ed or letter to the editor to express your opinion about what is happening in Dairy and call for solutions. Contact your local newspaper for word limits and deadlines. WFU Communications Director Danielle Endvick can help with ideas and outreach: 715-471-0398 /dendvick@wisconsinfarmersunion.com.